This year more than 2/3's of Families are worried they won't be able to afford Christmas dinner, better yet gifts or anything to celebrate. While we know the real meaning of Christmas, the ONLY true meaning of Christmas is JESUS CHRIST, these things are incredibly important for families, and everyone deserves a meal.
We are asking all church congregation members, and anyone else who would love to sow a seed to give your donation to us here at BSC, or give a donation to anyone you know that needs help. You can also give to local locations like your local church, The Salvation Army, Make a Wish, anywhere that could help Families with meals, clothing, gifts, and things after and before Christmas also!
You can Give by visiting the homepage on our website! Make sure to let us know the donation is for the Christmas drive fund and not for your tithe/offering to the church.
Thank you all,
Pastor Austin: Founder & Lead Pastor
Tue, November 26