Fruitful Increase
Wisdom will extend your life,
making every year more fruitful than the one before.
Proverbs 9:11
Through the ebbs and flow of our lives, we will experience times of great rejoicing, and we will experience times of great sorrow. The fruit of the Spirit is not dependent on our happiness or lack of trouble. It blossoms and grows even in the harshest climates. As we follow wisdom, we cannot expect perfect lives, but we can expect the overwhelming satisfaction of God's mercy meeting us wherever we are.
The Spirit-fruit of overflowing joy, subduing peace, enduring patience, active kindness, prevailing faith, wholehearted gentleness, and Spirit-strength come from lives yielded to the wisdom of Christ. We attain a virtuous life as we partner with the kingdom values of Jesus. We experience the increase of his bountiful goodness as we apply his wisdom to every area of our lives.
-- Holy Spirit, may my life be filled with your fruit as I continually surrender to your ways. I choose to walk in the path of peace, to practice the law of love, and to endure trials with patience. Thank you for your strength and overwhelming goodness. --