Let my words strengthen you.
This very day, my words will mean more to you than anything anyone could ever say. It is in my words that you find life and strength. When you are praised or when you are criticized, come back to me and lay those words before me. Only in my presence will you know truth. If I correct you, it's for your transformation. When I encourage you and display my love, receive it with joy, for it is your strength.
When you feel condemned by others, remember, condemnation doesn't come from me. I never condemn. My words are meant to strengthen you and build you up. Do not seek the respect of others and thereby forget my words. It is my love you need.
Come close to me, and I will come closer to you, until you see my glory and my beauty. I have walked close with you through your childhood years, even when you did not recognize me. And now, my words are sweeter as you grow older and more tender. I am your life source, and today, I am the living Word within you.
My life's strength melts away with grief and sadness; come strengthen me and encourage me with your words.
PSALM 119:28